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Selectmen's Minutes January 9, 2006
January 9, 2006

PRESENT:        Selectmen William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone and Stephen
                White.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

OTHERS: Road Agent Town Bergeron, George Curt, Karen Switzer, Jim
                Currier, Bill Ostrom , Arlene  Adams and Catherine Bushueff

ABSENT: Selectman Frederick Gallup

The meeting was opened by Chairman William Roach at 7:00 PM.


A.   George Curt – Sunapee Elementary Renovation Committee

George Curt, School Board Chairman, was present to present the Board with an overview of the proposed expansion of the Sunapee Elementary School.  He distributed to the Selectmen a packet of information compiled by the School Board to explain the necessity of the expansion/renovation of the school.  The first item he addressed was a report the Board sought from consultant David Brown.  This report was completed in 1996 when discussion of the renovation began.  That report rated the school as borderline to poor and it did not show well in five of the six categories reviewed.  G. Curt related that every inch of the school is occupied, including rooms that were built to be closets or storage areas, are being used for education.  They still  use two outside modular class rooms as well.  The school is filled to its maximum and that is why the School Board voted unanimously to bring a warrant article before the voters in March to request funds for the very much needed expansion and renovations.  He stated that he felt very strongly that this should not be deferred any longer, nor does he think it should be done piecemeal as that would be more expensive.  The School Board is now investigating financing through private options or the Bond Bank.  He thanked Selectman Emma Smith for her very helpful involvement and input  in the studies of the school expansion.

Stephen White stated that he was distressed at the total cost of over $10,000,000.  He would support renovations to the school, but feels the School  Board may be going overboard with the expansion.  He stated he doesn’t see any need for such an extensive expansion as he has received information through UPLSRPC that school enrollments are dropping, not rising.  

G. Curt responded that he did not believe that the Board was overdoing it.  The expansion and renovation plans will finally bring the school up to State Educational Codes.  He also added that square footage is being added because of the increase in programs they are

being required to offer, such as special education, technology courses, etc.  There are currently 203 students in the building.  After the renovation, the building will be able to occupy 270 students.  G. Curt stated that he believes this is the time to solve the problems and he would hope that the residents would have faith in the School Board.  The School Board has done their homework and feels very strongly about moving forward with it project.

S. White thanked G. Curt for his presentation stating that he was appreciative of the hard effort the School Board has put forward in this project.  William Roach agreed but asked G. Curt why was it planned to tear down the addition that was annexed onto the building in the 1960’s.  W. Roach feels that this is a waste of material.  

G. Curt and Bill Ostrom explained that the annexation was constructed before the energy crisis and does not meet energy codes.  There is little or no insulation and it is poorly constructed.  B. Ostrom explained that the ceiling heights are a problem as they are not high enough to accommodate the energy systems used today.  He feels to renovate this section would not be a good return on an investment.  

W. Roach raised the issue that the road is driving up the cost of  construction as well.  G. Curt explained that in order for the School Board to apply for and receive 30% state funding, they had to provide a second access road to the school.  He added that this is an added plus  for safety and security of the building.

W. Roach asked G. Curt how the School Board felt about pulling out of  SAU 43.  G. Curt informed the Selectmen that an article will appear in the School’s warrant to ask for funds to approve a study on creating it’s own SAU.  The Board has plans to go through the statutory process.  G. Curt stated he will emphatically support this article.

G. Curt stated that the cut in special education was something the School Board did not want to do and felt very awkward about it.  The reason this was done is because in relation to other communities the size of Sunapee, Sunapee’s “student to teacher” ratio is very low.  

B.  Tony Bergeron – Sargent Road

T. Bergeron distributed a drawing depicting the proposed change in the intersection of Sargent Road and Route 11.  He explained that he plans to create a left and right turn lane which provides a much safer entry off of Sargent Road to Route 11.  This allows vehicles to stay in their own lane.  The total request is $25,000 which includes removal of ledge.  T. Bergeron believes that this work should be done in conjunction with the road work at the Safety Services Building.  S. White stated that he wanted to be sure that this would provide a double exit onto Route 11.  T. Bergeron replied that it would.  He asked the Police Chief and Sergeant to look at the plans and they both felt that it was a dramatic improvement.  He has also contacted the NH DOT and they are sending someone to look

at it, but spoke favorably about it over the telephone.  Motion was made by Emma Smith that the Board of Selectmen recommend this article.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.
Richard Leone stated that the Selectmen should let the Budget Advisory Committee know of the Board’s decision.  The other members agreed and  Donna Nashawaty will send emails to all BAC members.  


See copy of agenda attached.


A.  Approval of Warrant Articles Order/Format

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that she had spoken with the Town’s attorney regarding Planning Board recommendation for the amendments they proposed.   She felt it was redundant to add at the end of the articles that the Planning Board recommended them when they proposed them.  During her conversation, it was brought out that the BAC recommendation appears after the money articles along with the Board of Selectmen.  The Town’s attorney told her that this should not be done as it is not required by law.  Only an elected Budget Committee would have the right to recommend or not recommend.  D. Nashawaty called the NHMA and the DRA.  They both agreed with the Town’s attorney.   She asked the Board’s guidance on how to handle this as the BAC recommendation has appeared on the warrant for years.  R. Leone stated that he feels the BAC should be forewarned about this.  E. Smith stated that she felt that the BAC recommendation should remain on the warrant and this can be discussed for next year.  It was agreed that the BAC recommendation would be added to the warrant as it is not illegal and might create undue problems between the two Boards if suddenly taken out.  This will be discussed with the BAC after Town Meeting.  

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she has received a request to have the School Board, Board of Selectmen and BAC have a meeting to discuss the budgeting process.  This would be after Town Meeting.  The Selectmen were very agreeable to this.

D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that two vacancies will appear on the BAC.  First the vacancy left by the resignation of Greg Shugart and the term of William Price will be up.  Both are due for appointment after April 15, 2006.  E. Smith stated that she has one individual who may be interested after they retire this spring.  Catherine Bushueff stated that the Sunapee Invite will be discussing the BAC and it’s purpose at it’s meeting  the first Thursday after Town Meeting.  She invited the Selectmen to attend.  


B.  Conservation Commission – Van Webb

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that Van Webb’s term had expired on the commission and he wishes to be reappointed.  Motion was made by Stephen White to reappoint Van Webb to the Conservation Commission.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Springfield Transfer Station Agreement

D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with the 2006 agreement with Springfield for the use of the transfer station/recycling center.  The amount for this year is $86,020.00.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to sign and approve the agreement.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


A.  Legislation Session:  Review of Bills/Dates for hearings

D. Nashawaty distributed a packet of information to the Selectmen containing four bills coming before the House in January and February which are of interest to the Board.  The bills  are HB1293 – addresses county affiliation; HB1520 – address county financial reporting;  HB1629 – requires a two year revaluation; and HB1698 – apportionment of county tax.  HB1698 comes before the house in February and is the bill submitted by Representative Gale which was supposed to mirror the Selectmen’s bill.  D. Nashawaty discussed the wording of the bill as submitted.  She would like to change it to reflect what the Selectmen’s intentions were to produce a handout for the hearing before the House.  D. Nashawaty will draft her changes and email them to the Board.  R. Leone stated he would like to ask for a Study Committee to review the bill.

B.  Letter and Article re:  Adelphia

D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with a copy of a letter and newspaper article from Doug Muno, who is Chairing the Cable TV Commission.  The article discusses the sell of Adelphia Cable in Vermont.  R. Leone will give a copy of the article to Representative Peter Franklin to have him investigate.  

C.  Town Report Dedication and Cover

D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with copies of the covers of the Town Reports since 1985 so that they may see what has or has not appeared.  She also presented a photo she received from Babe Sargent she thought might be nice for the cover.  The Selectmen approved the photo.  Discussion was held on the dedication of the report.    Motion was made by Stephen White to dedicate the report to (can’t say, it’s a surprise).  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  Filing Dates

D. Nashawaty reminded Richard Leone and William Roach that they were up for re-election this March.  Filing period begins January 25 and ends February 2.

E.  Update Safety Services Building

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that all ground work is done and will not begin again until the thaw in the spring.  With regard to the clock, both benevolent groups from the Fire Department and Police Department have offered to purchase a clock for the building, so one side will have the clock and the other two will display the town seal.  Also, the color scheme of the interior of the building was agreed upon between both departments.  The project is within budget.

F.  Public Hearing – Time

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the public hearing for January 11 was posted to begin at 6:30 PM, but not opening the public hearing on the bond issue until 6:45 PM.  W. Roach stated that he would fill in the time by explaining to the residents what the Board has been doing about secession from Sullivan County and will also explain that they have not used any of the funds appropriated to study this, but have done it at their own expense.   D. Nashawaty distributed a packet containing rules for bonding.  She explained that W. Roach will have to open the meeting and read the entire warrant article.  After this, he may turn the meeting over to the Water and Sewer Commissioners.  D. Nashawaty also distributed a schedule of the items to be discussed at the budget hearing following the bond issue.

G.  Wheelabrator Claremont Proposal

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she has received an offer for a contract with Wheelabrator.  She would like the Board to review this with her and to allow her to pursue other entities.  The Board unanimously agreed to this and will table the matter while it is being taken under advisement.


G.  Highway Safety Grant

D. Nashawaty has received information that the Town will receive a grant in the amount of $2,500 for DWI patrols.  

H.  Letter to Building Committee Members

D.  Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that she sent out letters to the Building Committee members asking if they wish to remain on the committee and only received one response.   That response was from Barbara Hollander and she expressed interest in continuing to serve.   S. White stated that two other members, Rick Mastin and  Larry Brudnicki, had both expressed an interest to him in staying on the committee.  This will be discussed at a later meeting.


D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that Sunapee ECON has been renamed Sunapee Revitalization.  At the hearing scheduled for January 25 at the High School Music Room, the Director of DRED, Stu Arnet, will be attending to explain what is available through the state for funding, etc.  The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 PM.


D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that she is still working on the Mt. Kearsarge Lease agreement and deed for Orchard Park.

S. White stated that he has received correspondence from the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Council offering their assistance for any town projects.  Sunapee is a member and he feels the town should be taking advantage of their services.  They are available on a consulting basis and he feels this might be particularly helpful with the Master Plan.

The meeting closed at 10:15 PM

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved__________________

____________________________                    __________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                     Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

____________________________                    __________________________
Richard Leone                                                   Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White